Aish HaTorah's
Western Wall Tunnel Tour ©


When archaeologists discovered this quarry, they immediately saw that the stones being carved out matched the average size of those of the Western Wall.

Partially cut stones Originally, historians believed that the Herodian stones were quarried from Zedekiah's Cave, north of the Old City.

Now, however, excavations have found that the expansion of the Temple Mount area continued much farther north than originally believed. That, plus the discovery of this quarry, led historians to conclude that the majority of the stones of the Western Wall were taken from this area.

The stones were quarried in the following manner:

  • First, they chiselled a small area and put a small piece of wood in the groove.Quarry stones in early stages of preparation
  • Second, water was poured onto the wood, which caused it to expand and made a further crack in the stone.
  • Third, this process was repeated on four sides; then the stone was carefully rolled to its designated location.
  • Fourth, after the stone was in place, it was carefully dressed by chiselling a border around the boss, which was then smoothed and flattened.

Continuing along, we come to an ancient Hasmonian aqueduct.


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63 BCE: Pompey conquers Jerusalem
68 CE: Temple Destroyed. 
Josephus writes the Jewish War, an account of rebellion against Rome.
70 CE: Temple Mount laid waste; only Kotel remains.
130 CE: Emperor Hadrian plows Temple Mount, as prophesied in  Micha 3:12
CE: Hadrian forbids Shabbos, circumcision; Jewish people revolt under Bar Kochba. Jews begin rebuilding Temple. 
CE: Bar Kochba  revolt crushed; Rabbi Akiva is tortured to death. Jerusalem dubbed Aelia Capitolina.
210 CE: Mishnah  edited by Rebbi Yehuda HaNasi; it includes the central principles of all Jewish law.
333 CE: Traveler from Bordeaux notes that Jews still come to Temple Mount to mourn Destruction.
353 CE: Byzantine of Constantinople, under Constantine, conquer Israel.
363 CE: Emperor Julian of Byzantium allows rebuilding of Temple; earthquake and fire destroy materials.
529 CE: Samaritans  revolt; Jerusalem devastated.
550 CE: Emperor Justinian builds churches on Temple Mt.
614 CE: Persians invade Jerusalem; They allow Jewish rule.
628 CE: Emperor Heraclius reconquers Jerusalem; baptizes Jews by force.
638 CE: Arabs conquer Jerusalem.

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